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How to determine if bearings can be reused?

To determine whether bearings can be reused, it is necessary to consider the degree of bearing damage, machine performance, importance, operating conditions, inspection cycles, and other factors before making a decision.

Regularly inspect the bearings that have been removed during equipment maintenance, operation checks, and replacement of peripheral parts to determine whether they can be reused or whether their condition is good or bad.

Firstly, it is necessary to carefully investigate and record the dismantled bearings and their appearance. In order to determine and investigate the remaining amount of lubricant, the bearings should be thoroughly cleaned after sampling.

Secondly, check the condition of the raceway surface, rolling surface, and mating surface, as well as the wear status of the retainer, for any damage or abnormalities. 

To determine whether bearings can be reused, it is necessary to consider the degree of bearing damage, machine performance, importance, operating conditions, inspection cycles, and other factors before making a decision.

According to the inspection results, if any damage or abnormal situation is found in the bearings, the cause of the damage section should be identified and countermeasures formulated. In addition, according to the inspection results, if there are any of the following defects, the bearing cannot be used anymore and needs to be replaced with a new one.

a. Any one of the inner and outer rings, rolling elements, or cages has cracks or fragments.

b. Any one of the inner and outer rings or rolling elements has detachment.

c. The raceway surface, retaining edge, and rolling element have significant jamming damage.

d. The retainer is severely worn or the rivets are loose.

e. Rust and scratches on the raceway surface and rolling elements.

f. There are significant indentations and marks on the rolling surface and rolling body.

g. There is creep on the inner diameter surface of the inner ring or the outer diameter of the outer ring.

h. Overheating can cause severe discoloration.

i. The sealing ring and dust cover of the grease sealed bearing are severely damaged.

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Address: No. 23, Fengshan West Road, Shunde District,Foshan City, Guangdong Province

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